Transcendence began in November 2004, as an informative non-profit newsletter to encourage spiritual enthusiasm in South African students and devotees of Yoga Master, Swami Shankarananda. The mini-mag is now enjoyed by a growing number of readers around South Africa, America, Canada, India, Sri Lanka and the United Kingdom, continuing in its purpose as a universal platform for spiritual awareness, and to help and inspire a wider audience of aspirants on the path to enlightenment. Transcendence is produced every month and distributed at the monthly full-moon meditation held by Swami at the Gayathri Peedam in Verulam, South Africa.
A selection of articles from each month's edition are added to the website regularly to give online visitors an idea of what Transcendence is about. Many of the articles are of an Eastern slant as it is also part of our vision to educate Western society in the ancient yogic sciences which are still perfectly applicable to today's spiritual advancement, so that the previously-secret teachings and concepts can be understood and applied by all who are seriously interested in attaining enlightenment.
We've purposely not included any advertising in the body of the magazine to create an 'uninterrupted' and 'uncommercial' read. Advertising is only available on the back and inside covers.
Transcendence is only available from the Jadatharaya Institute of Right Living and Yoga and is not obtainable from other outlets. Presently, 200 copies of the A5-size mini-mag are printed and distributed to subscribing students and devotees locally and abroad at a minimal fee to cover printing and postage costs. Click here to subscribe.
From January 2010 Transcendence subscriptions will be available in an electronic format.
Registered ISSN Number: 1815-4425